It is essential that you can trust the person who will care for you if you are injured or suddenly ill at work. This course is suitable for anyone who might need to provide first aid to someone who is injured or becomes ill at work, and covers a wide range of injuries and illnesses. First aid at work certificate (valid for three years) Become a qualified first aider (aimed at high risk workplaces). Covers accidents and emergencies which could happen in the workplace. Includes a training pack of materials to help learners practice their skills.

  • Category: 3 Day Level 3 in First Aid at Work
  • Service Duration: 07:00 Hours
  • Address: UK (Map)
  • Price:£320.00




  • People aged 16+ who need to provide first aid to someone who is injured or becomes ill while at work.
  • Organisations whose needs assessment identifies a requirement for additional first aid training (e.g. due to having employees with a medical condition).
